
Who Dares To Care In An Inhospitable World?

Who Dares to Care in an Inhospitable World!?

Have you ever experienced the kindness and support of someone setting up a meal train or offering to pray for you during a difficult time? It’s moments like these that show the power of love and compassion. Let’s spread that same love by checking in and supporting those around us in their time of need. 💕

#communitycare #supportnetwork #mealtrain #prayerpartner #inittogether #loveinaction #thoughtfulfriends

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Apostasy: Don’t Be A Statistic!

The Bible has promised and prophesied that the church will apostatize (2 Thessalonians 2). That means people identifying as Christians will fall away from their once held faith and belief in God. They will abandon their previous loyalty to Jesus. People claiming to be Christians will become unrecognizable from the world based on their lifestyles and choices.

There are two types of apostasy: falling away from orthodox (right or true) BELIEF and falling
away from the orthodox PRACTICE of our faith.

Apostasy always starts with an IDEA. Satan didn’t shipwreck humanity through physical power or supernatural might. He simply suggested an idea – did God really say you shouldn’t eat from any tree? Because Satan knows the destructive power of a bad idea.

To protect ourselves from the bad ideas of Satan and culture, we need to:

Take every thought captive
2 Corinthians 10:5

Test every spirit
1 John 4:1

Hold on for dear life to the biblical message about Jesus, the Gospel, and His Kingdom
1 John 2:24-26

We don’t need to fear the prophecy about apostasy! We just need to stay faithful to God, His Word, His people, and His way of living, and the ministry He’s given each of us to do, which can protect us against the slow fade of apostasy.

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3 Types Of Unbelief In the Bible

There are 3 types of belief in the Bible

Belief impacts our discipleship, which is the process of becoming who God intends to be. But there are three types of belief in the Bible:

1. Unbelief – but there are different types of unbelief, even though all unbelief produces the same thing, which is faithlessness toward God:

Intellectual unbelief rejects God
because He does not comport
with our reason or science

Relational unbelief rejects God
because it does not trust God

Self-centered belief rejects God
because it won’t surrender self-
rule for God’s rule

2. Passive Belief – believe IN God, but not surrender TO Him, which is basically lip service, not saving faith.

3. Active faith – Allegiance to Jesus because he is Lord

Active belief is the only belief God accepts as true belief. Everything else the Bible calls self deception.

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