
diverse equipping groups for women

Our equipping groups are inter-generational (17+) and inter-denominational with women attending from many different churches and backgrounds.  Types of groups include Bible and book studies, Bible reading groups, accountability and prayer groups, etc. All groups are interactive and encourage women to take ownership of their discipleship through the Christian disciplines and to own their part in advancing the Kingdom of God.

join a group

It’s never too late to join one of our many diverse virtual or in person groups! Groups include bible studies, book studies, accountability groups, bible reading groups, and prayer groups. All groups are designed to help equip each woman no matter where she is in her walk with Jesus.

morning groups

get out of your head

Dates: 8/27 – 11/19
Tuesdays @ 10:00 EST
City: Well House
Kids: Yes
Leader: Becca Huckert

understanding the kingdom of God as a worldview

Dates: 9/10 – 10/15
Tuesdays @ 10:00 EST
City: Well House
Kids: Yes
Leader: Judy Torres

armor of God

Dates: 9/18 – 11/13
Wednesdays @ 10:00 EST
City: Well House
Kids: Yes
Leader: Amy Piper

she works his way

Dates: 9/18 – 11/13
Wednesdays @ 10:00 EST
City: Well House
Kids: Yes
Leader: Crystal McDaniel

practicing the way: real life application

Dates: 9/20 – 11/22
Fridays @ 10:00 EST
City: Well House
Kids: Yes
Leader: Christy and Jennelle

evening groups

the invisible war

Dates: 8/13- 10/15
Tuesdays @ 6:30 EST
City: Clearwater/Palm Harbor
Kids: No
Leader: Sheri Freedman

understanding the kingdom of God as a worldview

Dates: 9/16 – 10/30
Mondays @ 5:30 EST
City: Wesley Chapel
Kids: No
Leader: Judy Torres


Dates: 9/17 -11/19
Tuesdays @ 6:30 EST
City: Wesley Chapel
Kids: No
Leader: Gennifer, Rita and Amy

women of the word - how to study the bible

Dates: 9/26 – 11/7
Thursdays @ 6:15 EST
City: Well House
Kids: Yes
Leader: Cynthia Perez

reading and understanding psalms in the hebrew language

Dates: 9/26 -11/7
Thursdays @ 6:15 EST
City: Well House
Kids: Yes
Leader: Veronica Vidal

lead a group

Please view the requirements for leading an equipping group with The Well. If you are still interested, please contact our groups administrator at

To learn more about our trainings for group leaders,
please click here.