about us
who we are
The Well is an inter-denominational, inter-generational, inter-racial women’s training and discipleship ministry. We are invested in helping women be disciples who can contribute to making disciples.

training philosophy
We know women sense that there should be more to their Christian lives, but they often have limited opportunities for spiritual development or to meaningfully contribute. We create training environments and opportunities that encourage every woman to become a disciple who can advance the Kingdom of God and contribute to making disciples in her own Christian community and spheres of influence.

our beliefs
Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, was born of the Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and is our only Savior and Lord.
Jesus lived the kind of life we were meant to live, abiding in perfect intimacy with the Father and loving other people. He was crucified for the forgiveness of our sin and redemption, raised from the dead on the third day, and exalted to the right hand of the Father as Lord over all.
Through allegiance to Jesus Christ, we are redeemed back into right relationship with the Father, we are restored as His image bearers through submission to His indwelling Spirit. We are promised a future resurrection like Christ’s when He returns to judge the living and the dead and to remake the heavens and the earth.
Without losing our diversity, in Christ we have been formed into one Body through one Gospel that calls us to believe, repent, and follow Christ. Our shared faith gives us a common Kingdom mission and ministry to love others as Christ has loved us and to proclaim the Good News of His Kingdom.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is authoritative for faith and life. It is both trustworthy and necessary for intimacy with God, spiritual growth, the renewing of the mind, and living an authentic and fruitful Christian lifestyle.
Every woman matters and has gifts and talents that must be discovered, nurtured, and leveraged for the greater good within Christian community and for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in the lives of others now.