Discipleship is not a one and done, one size fits all kind of thing!

Biblical discipleship is not a one and done kind of thing. It’s not a one-time prayer. It’s not a one- size-fits-all or a match-making program. Discipleship is not a program of volunteerism, going to church on a Sunday, or an event or a mission trip.

Yes, these things are part of discipleship, but if this defines your idea of discipleship, then your idea of discipleship is incomplete. Jesus is our definition of discipleship, which we pick up from what He taught us, by word and example, on what discipleship looks like in His Kingdom.

In Jesus’ version of discipleship, there are two key elements that allow us to advance God’s Kingdom here on earth and be the disciples God has called us to be. Those keys are followship and fellowship – our followship OF Jesus and our fellowship WITH Jesus. If that’s the case, discipleship isn’t an option for the Christian. It’s a command given for our benefit and His glory.


  • Followship is about your own relationship with Jesus.
  • Spending time with Him in His word.
  • Spending time with Him in prayer.
  • Obedience to God’s Word and His commands.
  • Having accountability to God’s Word in your own life from others.
  • Relying on His Spirit to lead.


  • Fellowship is about our relationship with Jesus and
  • Partnering with others, sharing in communion, having a common fellowship in the Spirit.
  • Spending time TOGETHER in God’s word.
  • Spending time TOGETHER in prayer.
  • Encouraging each other and providing accountability to one another to God’s Word.
  • Helping each other and caring for one another.

If we are really wanting to do things God’s way, which means we do this discipleship thing, we cannot leave out followship and fellowship. Our followship and fellowship are meant to impact our churches, our homes, our work places, and our communities.

If we can get biblical discipleship down and actually do it the way Jesus exemplified through His life and taught us through His Word by the power of His Holy Spirit, then we will see real change within ourselves and all around us. Miracles!

So, is there a hole in your perspective of discipleship, a missing piece? What part of followship and fellowship in your life and walk with Jesus do you need to fine tune to be further activated in the Kingdom and experience real change in you and all around you? Whatever that piece is, go get it and start living it out.