Ivy shares about upcoming fall equipping groups at the Well:
Including groups meeting at the Well House, in the community, and online. There are a variety of topics covered, from getting out of your head to understanding the kingdom of God, studying the Bible, and more. Many of the groups offer free childcare to make it easier for women to attend.
Well Resource Spotlight: A Little Bit About The Kingdom Of God
Christy talks about the importance of helping women understand the kingdom of God. There are only two kingdoms – the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Every choice we make advances one kingdom or the other. Many women have no understanding of the kingdom of God, so this Well resource handout ‘A Little Bit About the Kingdom of God’ is very useful to explain what the kingdom of God is, how Jesus taught about it extensively, and our role as participants and ambassadors of this kingdom. You can find this resource on our website (yay! you are already here) through the resource tab!
Why Attend If You’ve Attended Before with Tarah Todd
Tarah Todd talks about her excitement to attend the Operation Train Up A Woman conference again, and encourage others who have attended in the past to come back. She explains that training and discipleship is a lifelong process, and that even if some of the material seems familiar, we can always go deeper by paraphrasing, applying, teaching, and defending what we learn. She also mentions that the conference has been updated with new workshops and content, so there is always more to discover. She urges anyone on the fence to talk to Jesus and others about attending, as it is an invaluable opportunity for continued growth in discipleship!
Just Stop It! Stop Trying And Start Training Now!
Just Stop It! Stop trying And Start Training Now!
Ivy talks about the importance of being in a training mindset rather than just a trying mindset. She discusses how biblical training involves prayer, reading God’s Word, challenging ourselves, asking questions, discussing with others, practicing, and sharing testimonies – all with the help of the Holy Spirit. Training together in community is key to overcoming challenges and succeeding in our spiritual lives.
#training #tryingvstraining #biblicaltraining #prayer #Godsword #community #testimony #holyspirit #overcome #dailytraining
Empowering Women: Operation Train Up A Woman Conference
Michelle’s Experience!
September 13th-14th, 2024
Is Your Inner Peace Circumstantial l Like An Infant?
This passage explores the analogy of a weaned child with its mother as a metaphor for our relationship with God. The weaned child is content and trusting, unlike the demanding and fretful infant. Similarly, us as believers should learn to be happy and content in God’s presence, without demanding or fussing, trusting that God will provide what is needed.
#PsalmOfDavid #WeanedChild #TrustingGod #ContentInGodsPresence
Well Resource Spotlight: 8 Steps To Develop A Habit In God’s Word
This resource provides 8 practical steps to help develop a consistent habit of engaging with God’s Word, which is essential for spiritual growth and intimacy with Christ. Ivy emphasizes the importance of intentionality, overcoming distractions, and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to make time for Bible study a priority.
You can download this resource by heading over to our website, clicking the resources tab, and then clicking “free resources”!
Who Dares To Care In An Inhospitable World?
Who Dares to Care in an Inhospitable World!?
Have you ever experienced the kindness and support of someone setting up a meal train or offering to pray for you during a difficult time? It’s moments like these that show the power of love and compassion. Let’s spread that same love by checking in and supporting those around us in their time of need. 💕
#communitycare #supportnetwork #mealtrain #prayerpartner #inittogether #loveinaction #thoughtfulfriends
The Leadership Styles That Work Best In A Group Aimed At Discipleship
There are four basic leadership styles that impact the way you conduct a group:
Autocratic: Content-oriented, no discussion, lecture style; the leader dominates the group and there is little to no discussion
Authoritarian: Content-oriented, interactive; the leader controls the direction of the group and the discussion
Democratic: Discussion-oriented, lots of sharing; the leader operates as a guide or facilitator of the group and the discussion
Laissez-Faire: Discussion-oriented, “anything goes”; the leader maintains minimum control of the group and the discussion
Some things to keep in mind:
One leadership style isn’t better than another; however, one style may be more optimum than another in a particular setting.
You will naturally prefer one leadership style over another. However, you may need to adjust your leadership style to better serve a group or depending on the setting.
The leadership styles that work best within the framework of a discipleship-oriented group are the authoritarian and democratic leadership styles.
The Essence of Discipling Others
The Essence Of Discipling Others
From Wounded to Healing when we’ve experienced Church Hurt
Susie Walther’s message at the Well’s June Pop Up!
Are You Committed To The Two Sides Of Mission?
Are you committed to the two sides of Mission?
The theology of mission has two sides. If you lead a group or ministry, understanding these
will help you be more effective at what God has given you to do.
The two sides of mission are:
going out and attracting in To go out and proclamation. We are inviting. People to join us in Christian space., such as. Our churches, groups, homes., etcetera. It also involves the proclamation About. Jesus., and that proclamation is made. Through our words, character, and lifestyles.
To attract in. Involves. What your group or ministry is like?. What do people experience? Who
take you up on your invitation to join you in Christian space? So your group must be
spiritually attractional, Which involves at least four things:
1. Be hospitable. You should at the very least be a friendly group. People shouldn’t have
to work. Hard. To break in. And feel like they belong.
2. Be authentic. Fakey Christians, pretense, hypocrisy, appearing like you have it all together – the perfect everything, etc. NONE of that is attractive to anyone. Ever.
3. Pray together. Let people pray for others and let them experience the presence and move of the Holy Spirit for themselves through prayer! If you, as the leader, do all the praying, they miss out on that experience.
4. Learn about God. Make the Word of God preeminent in the group. Let them hear God
talk through His Word. Let their minds dwell on it while in your group. The Word of God
is compelling and transformative.
If we stay invested in the “going out” and “attracting in ”of mission, we will help to change
the world by helping people to change!