Hold on to the God of the Impossible in the midst of Your Impossible
Your Own Choices Keep You From Fulfilling God’s Purpose For You
My Story: Going from a Faithful Maintainer to a Spiritual Gainer!
We’ve had some losses, but we are poised for spiritual gain!

Jesus is the example of living in the Kingdom here on mission first! Let’s go!
Jesus, God in the flesh, had a mission and purpose for coming and the cross was part of God’s sacrificial work and means to free us and enable us to live in His Kingdom on mission FIRST - right here on earth, right now. Jesus is our example of how to do this – living...

What’s our ministry if it’s not about activating you and launching yours?
Activating you, establishing you, launching you – that’s what this ministry is all about and we’ve been all about that for 16 years. Hard to believe, right? And even though we’ve had A LOT of changes over the years, and have got a lot going on – rebuilding our...
A plentiful harvest means we really need YOU to heed the call!

Active faith and some desire are NOT the same thing
Desire. To want, to wish. To feel longing for. It’s not a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing if that’s what mostly defines our faith in God. I mean, yes - God wants us to desire Him, but He wants that desire to translate into choosing Him, pursuing Him and obeying...

Mission first, differences aside
Remember what our mission is Through faith and repentance in Christ, we each make a choice to join the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ has one common Kingdom mission and ministry: to love others as Christ has loved us, which includes proclaiming the Good News of...
Don’t Quit on Community

2020 was a GREAT year, right?
2020 was a GREAT year, right? If we understand our salvation through the lens of conformity to Christ, then 2020 should have been a seriously GREAT year for us Christians. 2020 provided lots of opportunities to SEE the ugly in ourselves and lots of opportunities to...