
Your Will Be Done: Finding freedom through a genuine focus in prayer.
The posture behind ‘God willing’ Jesus taught us how to pray and in Luke 22:42 Jesus said, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” If we’re being honest, how often is our heart posture in prayer “NOT my will, but yours...

Prayer is designed to function like light in a dark situation.
There’s always darkness, but then there’s also light. The Well’s Facebook page is often full of prayer requests, which is a beautiful thing. Now, it’s not the need for prayer that’s beautiful, but rather people requesting and wielding the power of prayer. The darkness...

Why are you clinging to spiritual rags when you don’t have to?
The First and Second Round Draft Invitees Matthew 22:11-12 says, “But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw a man there who had no wedding garment. He said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And the man was speechless.”...

The American Dream and the abundant life are not the same thing.
Jesus came that we may have life and have life abundantly. Unfortunately, Jesus’s words can be reduced to mean nothing much more than the American Dream or ‘Just living the dream.’ But what is this American Dream anyway? Well, thanks to Wiki we know that “the American...

God’s Word coming alive in you doesn’t just happen on its own.
To be weary or not to be weary… Ever read the Bible and come across a verse you’ve never “seen” before or that takes you by surprise? Ecclesiastes 1:8 was that kind of surprise for me. It says this, “Everything is wearisome beyond description.” That hit me hard! ...

If you desire kingdom fruit now, you need to abide in Jesus.
I guess you could call this Part Two of the spiritual lessons gained from my recent experience with my pepper plants (for Part One, click here). So, here goes another fun fact: pepper plants need to be pollinated to produce fruit. Usually, the transfer of pollen from...

We can learn a thing or two from a pepper.
Here’s something you may or may not know: “All bell peppers start out green and change color as they mature. If it's not picked, a green pepper may become yellow, orange, or red, depending on its varietal. The longer the fruit stays on the vine, the sweeter it becomes...