In my last blog (Is the Kingdom of God operating in your life right here, right now?), I talked about God’s Kingdom operating in and through our lives NOW. But HOW does that happen? Well, it starts with a willingness to spend time with Jesus on a regular basis. There...
Mean people are exhausting and how to not become one of them.
Mean is just mean. “MEAN people exhaust me.” You can fill in the specifics: My mother exhausts me. My child exhausts me. Politicians exhausts me. My boss exhausts me. You get the picture. For me personally, I was super exhausted all of 2022. And earlier this week, I...
Jesus invites you to join Him in the Wilderness. Will you go?
Let’s jump right in with what Jesus said to His disciples, “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me." — Matthew 16:24 It’s true that every good and perfect gift is from God, but until Jesus restores all things, every...
The American Dream and the abundant life are not the same thing.
Jesus came that we may have life and have life abundantly. Unfortunately, Jesus’s words can be reduced to mean nothing much more than the American Dream or ‘Just living the dream.’ But what is this American Dream anyway? Well, thanks to Wiki we know that “the American...
WATCH THIS and You Will Know How to Talk About This Ministry to Others
God’s Word coming alive in you doesn’t just happen on its own.
To be weary or not to be weary… Ever read the Bible and come across a verse you’ve never “seen” before or that takes you by surprise? Ecclesiastes 1:8 was that kind of surprise for me. It says this, “Everything is wearisome beyond description.” That hit me hard! ...
How Does Emotional Maturity Affect Your Spiritual Growth and Discipleship?
Spiritual and Emotional Maturity If I asked you to assess your spiritual maturity, which measures would you use? Reading the Bible, attending church, and even mentoring other women may be on your list. While those are all important aspects of spiritual growth, one...
Hold on to the God of the Impossible in the midst of Your Impossible
Life Changing Benefits of Hiding God’s Word in Your Heart
This is a testimony and hopefully a “you can do this too!” all in one. So, I grew up learning Scripture here and there through songs and memory verse challenges; however, as an adult, Holy Spirit called me to memorize the book of James...yes, the whole book. I...
Who is the hero in your story and life?
So often it is easy to rely too heavily on someone or something other than God and develop a very unhealthy dependency, possibly even creating an idol in our life. We all have a tendency to do it. Personally, I have been guilty of making someone or something other...