Biblical discipleship is not a one and done kind of thing. It’s not a one-time prayer. It’s not a one- size-fits-all or a match-making program. Discipleship is not a program of volunteerism, going to church on a Sunday, or an event or a mission trip. Yes, these things...
Why Aren’t We Believing in the Truth of God?
How is it that we pray, we go to church, we sit in Bible studies, belt out Christian songs and yet we still do not trust God? How come we strive after all the things we know God asks of us in the easy times and yet when things get hard or sad or ugly or down right...
Will You Make Time for “the one”?
What if each day you asked God to show you the one? The one woman He wanted you to interact with that day – whether through a smile, hug, a kind word, text, phone call or gesture? You could be Jesus in disguise to the people around you. To be ready for the one, you...