Maintaining a relationship with Christ is not the same as participating in the work of Christ. While time in the Word, prayer and the other Christian disciplines are vital in our walk with Christ, those things cannot become substitutes for going for Christ. Becoming a better version of you, just being good with where you’re at or what you’re doing – believing the lie that you can’t do anymore – is not a viable option. Christianity is a path to losing your life, which requires adding and changing things constantly.
One of those changes for me has been incorporating into my life my spiritual family. While I am thankful for the physical family God gave me, I have come to learn about the spiritual family God wants to have through me. Jesus expects spiritual reproduction – that I would be willing to both birth and disciple His spiritual family too. We cannot let life circumstances, season of life or anything else become an excuse for not answering the call to be disciples who make disciples. Right now that call for me looks like picking up the phone and sharing my story with another women and then asking if she would share hers. Sometimes a first “date” leads to a second and a third and then a new friendship or discipleship relationship begins. For some, answering the call looks like starting a Bible Reading Group or a prayer or accountability group. Whatever you do, don’t just maintain your Christian walk! If you don’t start a group, then join one and get time with women who show up with their chapters read and who know how to ask good questions.
Bottom line – in order to go for Christ, we’ve got to engage in the lives of the people around us and build relationships that allow us to see who is hungry for the more. The call will look different to each one of us, but the call hasn’t changed – it’s still “go and make disciples.” God is at work and Jesus is participating in His Father’s work. The Spirit is working, completing what Jesus started, and we are called to participate in the Spirit’s work. So, again – I sure hope you’re not just maintaining your Christian walk.