So often it is easy to rely too heavily on someone or something other than God and develop a very unhealthy dependency, possibly even creating an idol in our life. We all have a tendency to do it. Personally, I have been guilty of making someone or something other than Jesus my first go to. Doing so damaged relationships and compromised my walk with God. I was plagued by anxiety, people pleasing and lacked peace and clarity, which led to making poor decisions. When I began making Jesus my FIRST go to, transformation set in. I have found peace as a result and want to help others experience that same peace, which springs from Jesus FIRST. He is Who we need to rely on heavily.
Jesus wants us to develop a dependency upon Him and to encourage others to do the same because:
- God wants us to cling to Him, not people, things, etc. (Deut. 13:4)
- God wants us to pray to Him FIRST. Not immediately pick up the phone and complain or gossip or better yet look for justification from someone. (Eph. 6:18, Matt. 6:33, Phil. 4:6)
- He knows what’s best and HE wants to do a work in us and through us. (John 14:12, Eph. 2:10)
- He is the Vine and provides nourishment for our souls and direction for today and tomorrow. (John 15:4-5)
- He ALONE is Lord, Savior, and God. (1 Cor. 8:5-6)
In order to trust Jesus as your hero, you need to spend time with Him in His word and in prayer.
Jesus is our King. He’s our Lord. He must be the One we turn to first. When we do, we find healing, experience transformation, peace that surpasses all understanding and comfort, and we find strength. When Jesus is our hero because He is our King, we will point others to Him and not to ourselves. We will bear the spiritual fruit that He calls us to produce. Trusting Him to be the hero in our lives will mean stepping out of comfort zones, too. But spending time with Jesus doesn’t just help us trust Him, it helps us love people the way Jesus calls us to love. Then our families and the world around us will forever be changed due to what Jesus is doing in us and through us by the power of the Holy Spirit – all because Jesus is the hero of our life and story!
I’m not discouraging what we need to receive from other people. Encouragement from people is good and we need it. Plus, we should seek wise counsel, but our FIRST go to must be JESUS Himself. Without Him all things are not possible, but with Him, they are.
So, is your hero Jesus, is He your first go to and would others know it?
If Jesus is not your hero, then:
- Go to Jesus immediately, and just confess that to Him.
- Make spending time with Him through His word and prayer a priority.
- Make Him your first go to. Put an index card on a window or mirror that says, “Jesus will be my FIRST GO TO today and every day.”
- Be willing to make whatever adjustments are necessary in yourself or lifestyle. Let the Holy Spirit show you where you might not be trusting Jesus.
- Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and do what God tells you to do.
- If you are not in a community of followers of Jesus who desire to put Jesus first, get in one ASAP. The Well isn’t a perfect place, but it is one of those communities after God, and we invite you to join a group at
Keep doing this sister and the fruit will come!