We all have something to offer.
From the moment of redemption in Christ Jesus, we have been brought from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light. We have been born again and made new spiritually, but we have also been born into a new family, the body of Christ. As Romans 12:5 says, “So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” With that being said, we each have a unique and distinct role to play. You, my sister, have something to offer this family that no one else can. God is writing a story through you that desperately needs to be shared!
For the common good.
I desire for us, as sisters in Christ, to be encouraged to freely give the wisdom, insight, and stories we’ve been given. However, we must be cautious as to our motives in sharing and mentoring others. This is not a way to boost yourself up or brag about how many awesome things you’re doing for God. It is completely and entirely the work that God is doing in you and through you! We should rejoice in that He may receive all the glory and honor due His name and that we may help to build others up for the common good.
Empowered for the call.
With the right motive in mind, there may be a major stumbling block in authentic mentorship: fear. When walking alongside another sister in Christ with discipleship-based intention, it may seem intimidating or overwhelming at times. Lies about inadequacy or inferiority may keep us trapped in a shallow or fruitless relationship. However, our Lord has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). In regard to the command from Jesus to make disciples, we are going in His power and authority, guided by His Spirit! There is really no excuse to walk in disobedience to the purpose and call He has on our lives.
Impact of mentorship on my life.
Personally, I have experienced the joy, growth, and encouragement that comes from allowing older women of the faith to speak into my life as mentors. I would not be the follower of Jesus I am today without these pivotal spiritual influences in my life. The beautiful thing about mentorship is that I’ve not only heard nuggets of Truth and wisdom from these womens’ mouths; I’ve seen them live it out by their lives! God has used these mentors of mine to open my eyes to the Kingdom in ways I’ve never known before. I am no longer using Jesus as a means to get to heaven; I am living out of the abundance of life that He offers me here and now, and with that, I’m seeking to advance his Kingdom and make much of His name! I can confidently say that I would not have arrived at this place without intentional, Jesus-focused mentorship.
Make the first move.
In writing this, the last thing I would want is for someone to be discouraged that they’re not “doing enough” for God. Rather, I want each of us to recognize that we have something eternally valuable to offer- something that someone else needs. Maybe it’s a story you share, a sin struggle you let someone else in on, or a word of encouragement for someone who’s feeling defeated. The question is, will you be willing to make the first move, to give that something for the common good and glory of God?