HELP ME! How Can I Make Someone Spiritually Healthy!?
OTUAW Two Kingdoms
Did Jesus really tell us to be sensitive war horses ready for battle?
How to Incorporate the message of the Kingdom of God into every group you lead.

Do you know how to unleash the science behind Thinking God’s Way?
Identifying habitual patterns of thinking are important to one’s discipleship! Do you ever wonder how our brain works and how we can break the cycle of destructive habitual thinking? You are not alone! The brain is the mega center of our belief and plays a huge role...
How to survive in a deceived world – The discipleship of discernment.
Love Could It Really Be As Simple As The Second Mile
How to Honor God’s Call on Your Life and be a Disciple on Social Media

Three Ways to shift from “Church-Girl” to Disciple-of-Jesus
It's important that you pick up what The Well is putting down or we’re going to wind up frustrating the tar out of you. Yes, we offer Bible studies and groups, but not just for you to attend. Our groups are a gateway to discipleship-oriented community focused on...