The Essence Of Discipling Others
The Essence Of Discipling Others
Susie Walther’s message at the Well’s June Pop Up!
Are you committed to the two sides of Mission?
The theology of mission has two sides. If you lead a group or ministry, understanding these
will help you be more effective at what God has given you to do.
The two sides of mission are:
going out and attracting in To go out and proclamation. We are inviting. People to join us in Christian space., such as. Our churches, groups, homes., etcetera. It also involves the proclamation About. Jesus., and that proclamation is made. Through our words, character, and lifestyles.
To attract in. Involves. What your group or ministry is like?. What do people experience? Who
take you up on your invitation to join you in Christian space? So your group must be
spiritually attractional, Which involves at least four things:
1. Be hospitable. You should at the very least be a friendly group. People shouldn’t have
to work. Hard. To break in. And feel like they belong.
2. Be authentic. Fakey Christians, pretense, hypocrisy, appearing like you have it all together – the perfect everything, etc. NONE of that is attractive to anyone. Ever.
3. Pray together. Let people pray for others and let them experience the presence and move of the Holy Spirit for themselves through prayer! If you, as the leader, do all the praying, they miss out on that experience.
4. Learn about God. Make the Word of God preeminent in the group. Let them hear God
talk through His Word. Let their minds dwell on it while in your group. The Word of God
is compelling and transformative.
If we stay invested in the “going out” and “attracting in ”of mission, we will help to change
the world by helping people to change!
The Bible has promised and prophesied that the church will apostatize (2 Thessalonians 2). That means people identifying as Christians will fall away from their once held faith and belief in God. They will abandon their previous loyalty to Jesus. People claiming to be Christians will become unrecognizable from the world based on their lifestyles and choices.
There are two types of apostasy: falling away from orthodox (right or true) BELIEF and falling
away from the orthodox PRACTICE of our faith.
Apostasy always starts with an IDEA. Satan didn’t shipwreck humanity through physical power or supernatural might. He simply suggested an idea – did God really say you shouldn’t eat from any tree? Because Satan knows the destructive power of a bad idea.
To protect ourselves from the bad ideas of Satan and culture, we need to:
Take every thought captive
2 Corinthians 10:5
Test every spirit
1 John 4:1
Hold on for dear life to the biblical message about Jesus, the Gospel, and His Kingdom
1 John 2:24-26
We don’t need to fear the prophecy about apostasy! We just need to stay faithful to God, His Word, His people, and His way of living, and the ministry He’s given each of us to do, which can protect us against the slow fade of apostasy.
There are 3 types of belief in the Bible
Belief impacts our discipleship, which is the process of becoming who God intends to be. But there are three types of belief in the Bible:
1. Unbelief – but there are different types of unbelief, even though all unbelief produces the same thing, which is faithlessness toward God:
Intellectual unbelief rejects God
because He does not comport
with our reason or science
Relational unbelief rejects God
because it does not trust God
Self-centered belief rejects God
because it won’t surrender self-
rule for God’s rule
2. Passive Belief – believe IN God, but not surrender TO Him, which is basically lip service, not saving faith.
3. Active faith – Allegiance to Jesus because he is Lord
Active belief is the only belief God accepts as true belief. Everything else the Bible calls self deception.
OTUAW..HOW can you afford to go??
We want to see you there!😁
Fundraising ideas:
✅“Pick a number or Adopt a box”: This fundraising idea focuses on creating a large board with many different numbers. You can choose how many numbers to include (e.g., 1-50). You can present them on a board in a creative way. The idea is that supporters can “Pick a Number” for “Adopt a box” to donate.
Once they pick a number, it is taken off the board or crossed out. On some board ideas, no single person would have to give more than $50.
You can adjust the amount based on your specific circumstances. Below are some ideas.
✅Feel free to Google: “fundraising ideas for mission trips or field trips” for more ideas!
Did you know?.…
Register for OTUAW HERE🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻:
Wanted to also include here another effective way to fundraiser your ticket to OTUAW, a fundraising ask letter! It would be the same as raising money by fundraiser for a missions trip through a church!
Click below to download!
6 Things that Will Make Your Ministry LESS Effective
Sometimes we think we’re not as effective as we could be in ministry because we lack
finances, or our space isless thanideal, or we don’t have enough people to help. Those
things are frustrating issues, for sure, but they’re NOT the thing that makesour ministry less
effective. Why? Because we could have all the finances we need, in the best space ever,
with loads of people helping and STILL be less effective due to:
1. Prayerlessness.
Little Prayer = Little Power = you’ll never be as effective as you could be.
2. Vision Drift.
You’re doing a godly “thing” but it’s not necessarily God’s thing for you. If
you’re off YOUR mark, then you’re going to be less effective in ministry.
3. Unchecked Sin.
You CANNOT be effective in the things of God when sin is unchallenged
in YOUR life or in the lives of others in your group or ministry.
4. Pride.
Your God-given platform cannot become a means of self-promotion. To be
effective in ministry requires that you stay God-focused and others-centric.
5. Old “Manna.”
You must operate from“fresh bread,” which you get when you abide
regularly with Jesus in His Word, in prayer, and in community with the Body of Christ.
Yesterday’s manna will not make your ministry more effective.
6. Control.
Effectiveness is not connected to perfection. It’s connected to empowerment.
However, empowering imperfect people is messy business, but it’s the God-way of helping people grow and begin contributing through their gifts and abilities.
Identifying habitual patterns of thinking are important to one’s discipleship! Do you ever wonder how our brain works and how we can break the cycle of destructive habitual thinking? You are not alone! The brain is the mega center of our belief and plays a huge role...