How to conquer the Promise Land and reach generations.

God wants the next generation.

When going into the Promise Land, the Lord gave the Israelites very clear instructions. He said, “I am with you. This land is yours, clear it out and take it. Drive out all the people as well.” Over and over, Israel would possess the area God promised them, BUT they didn’t drive out ALL the people or tear down all the altars used to worship other gods. This caused undue temptation and left ungodly influences in place, negatively affecting the next generation. Well, God has given the Church a mission to “possess the land” and we need to complete the job God gave us to do. However, the idols we worship in our lives today cause us to negatively affect the next generation, too.

We must help each other!

To purge our lives from idols and ungodly influences, we need to lean into God. We do that by reading His word, praying, listening to Him, relying on His Holy Spirit to transform us, and being open to accountability.  Amazing things happen in our lives when we humble ourselves and allow others to help us get rid of our idols.  We were not meant to do the Christian life on our own. In Christ, we really are stronger together.

So, a few questions to ponder:

  • What are your idols? What idols have been passed down to you from a previous generation? It is time to get rid of them, sister!
  • Are you meeting with someone who is growing in Christ and can give you the accountability and encouragement you need to run your race for Christ?

RUN with others running with God!

If you answered no to that last question, then you are missing out on a big piece of what discipleship and salvation is all about. We invite you to run with us, join one of our Home and Community Groups if you are not already in one. God’s word makes it very clear that we are to pray with one other, pray for each other, teach each other, read God’s word together, and meet with each other.

Pray and ask God to connect you with a woman or women who can be “iron sharpening iron” in your life and yours in theirs. Be willing to ask the woman God reveals to meet for coffee or come over. We are stronger together! Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says that two people are better off than one, and that a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. So, who is that gal you can run with and who can help you grow?

The Lord has called us into the Promise Land….

You are called as a Christian to spiritually conquer, drive out enemies, and occupy territory in the name of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are called to do this not just for ourselves, but for the sake of the generations to come. BUT we must follow Jesus’s instructions. We must do away with our modern-day idols through the power of the Holy Spirit. We must help each other do this in truth, in love, and with humility. Let’s love the Lord and the generations that follow in such a way that we have the courage and willingness to do whatever it takes to get rid of the idols, so we have a positive impact on the next generation.