
2020 was a GREAT year, right?
2020 was a GREAT year, right? If we understand our salvation through the lens of conformity to Christ, then 2020 should have been a seriously GREAT year for us Christians. 2020 provided lots of opportunities to SEE the ugly in ourselves and lots of opportunities to...

Why Aren’t We Believing in the Truth of God?
How is it that we pray, we go to church, we sit in Bible studies, belt out Christian songs and yet we still do not trust God? How come we strive after all the things we know God asks of us in the easy times and yet when things get hard or sad or ugly or down right...
Stop Waiting For Things To Get Back To “Normal”
I am so glad our 1st century sisters and brothers in Christ didn’t say to themselves, “Let’s wait until the persecution dies down before we get to doing what Jesus left us here to do.” If they did, the life and message of Christ would have died with them! But they...
Giving Way to Unbelief
The Bible teaches us that it is impossible to please God without faith. On the surface this sounds pretty straight forward, until we need to make a decision which tests our faith. Many times we struggle with the question, “What if I make the wrong choice?” If we stay in that struggle too long, eventually our cautiousness will give way to unbelief.