Have you accepted your spiritual assignment at your business or work? Part One

What’s your spiritual assignment?

What comes to mind when you think about your spiritual assignment from God in your business or place of work? Is there a specific task assigned by the Lord during this season of your life? Such as working as a corporate leader? Working as a full-time mom? Serving as a Bible Study Teacher? Working as a graphic designer or social media expert? Managing people and programs? As believers and followers of Jesus, God calls us to our assignments, and we can choose how we partner with God in those assignments for the sake of His Kingdom. We need to understand and know that we are meant to influence and then equip people for participation in God’s mission, which is to bring everything under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Part one of this blog focuses on our spiritual assignments from the Lord in our workplaces in business.

Secular Versus Sacred Work

There is a growing movement of churches and organizations (like The Well) seeking to help women see their jobs as purposeful and powerful for the Kingdom of God. But there is an unfortunate divide between “secular work” and “sacred work.” According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, secular means “of or relating to the worldly, not religious.” In contrast, sacred means “dedicated or set apart for the service, holy, or relating to religion.” We must ask ourselves, in whatever work we are positioned, are we separating the sacred from the secular? Many of us have probably never considered ourselves in ministry because we own a business or solve problems for someone else’s business or faithfully work our jobs. But God has positioned you in a place of influence that includes spiritual ministry because everything we do is shaped by who we are in Christ. That needs to impact how we approach our workplaces in business.

About our Father’s Business

We are in business and ministry every day, in every way. We are to be about our Father’s business in all that we do. What does that mean? Jesus has given us specific commands. What is our task? He desires that all people everywhere hear His Gospel. He has shared the order to “go,” and we must obey. We exist to expand the Kingdom of God by way of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We are already on a mission field for the Lord through our God-ordained spiritual assignments! No matter what profession, assignment, or business the Lord has tasked us with, ladies – we need to continue to check ourselves and ask a few questions.

Christ-centered questions to consider about business and the workplace.

Is God really at the center of my business? When a situation or circumstance happens at work, in our home, or industry, what do we do when facing a challenging decision? Do we gossip about it? Or do we go to Jesus? Jesus tells us to go to him first! Be in prayer. Be still. Sit at His feet. And listen.

Do we include prayer in our workflow? In the home, behind a virtual team meeting screen, or meeting with clients selling homes? Prayer allows us to demonstrate our desire to align our business decisions and practices with God’s will and way. In addition, prayer may open opportunities to serve and minister to the needs of others, to comfort them during tough times, or to engage in conversations about faith.

How much time do we devote to prayer and listening to God? Devotional prayer is important because it builds the relationship with our Lord and Savior! We get to know Him. We learn to listen to God’s voice just for us and lean into Him when life throws curve balls at us! Jesus tells us that prayer requires a seeking heart. When we sit in our prayer closet with God, He rewards us. The most amazing reward is the gift of God’s Holy Spirit to be our helper and guide.

Step Out: Activate God’s strategy through prayer and your faith!

Ladies, by praying for your spiritual assignment, your business, and professional workplaces, as Christ’s followers, we are to be the light and the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-14) because Christ is active and alive in us. Our love for God, our outpouring of truth, and our Kingdom stance can change the world. Stay Kingdom focused because our faith is an activated strategy, and the Lord led us to our spiritual assignments for His glory! Stay tuned for part two: Strengthening your spiritual muscles in the workplace!