The Devil is waiting for us to give him an opportunity to pounce!

Most of us are just sitting ducks.

One of the scariest verses in all of Scripture to me is Luke 4:12. It talks about how Satan waits for an “opportune time” to test, tempt, and trip us up. He just pulls up a chair and waits. He’s got his spiritual gun pointed and waits. And even though we might know this about him, so much of the time we operate as if we’re spiritually invincible. Like, we’d never fall away from God or do stupid like someone else does. Yeah, right. Well, if Satan is simply waiting around for a more “opportune time,” then that means we’re all pretty much like sitting ducks at a shooting gallery!

Satan hates us.

The Bible describes Satan as clever, wily, subversive, devious, and deceptive. On our own, we can’t outsmart him. He is the Adversary, the Accuser, the Father of lies. He’s a destroyer, a killer, and a thief. He knows Scripture. He believes in God, and he has a plan to take us down and take us out. He hates us and he hates all the people we love.

Satan intends to capitalize on our weakness.

Satan is banking on our greatest vulnerabilities – our human weakness, short-sightedness, and blind spots. So, he just bides his time. He knows God has given us a will that stronger than our emotions, but our emotions scream louder, so we tend to follow their voice.

He knows our behavior rarely matches our good intentions (that’s Romans 7). He knows we’re deeply selfish and that we naturally favor our flesh over the will of God. And he knows that we don’t know much or see much because we’re limited by our humanity and by choices that leave us exposed and unprotected. So, he waits for an opportune time to wreak havoc in our lives, and he knows he’ll get his chance because we’ll give it to him.

What’s the “opportune time”?

There’s so much in life that is fodder for the enemy’s intent to bring about our demise. We live in a fallen world with fallen people and we are still dealing with our own fallen natures. So, Satan can test, tempt, and trip us up using broken dreams. Unforgiveness that turns to bitterness. Broken children and husbands and families. Unexpected and unprecedented loss. Church hurt that turns into isolation or desertion from the church. Financial struggles. All of our idols that we fight so fiercely to keep and serve. Abuse and injustice. Pain, suffering, chronic illness. Mental and emotional stress. Disappointment. Dysfunctional relationships. And the list defining the “opportune time” just goes on…

BUT God has not left us defenseless against an insidious enemy. On our own, we can’t beat the odds against us, but the Creator God has given Christians three things which are both offensive and defensive, and when all three are in play together, Satan’s opportunities against us amount to squat. He can hit, but not knock us out. He can wound and slow us down, but not disable or stop us.

God’s battle plan for our victory.

  • The Holy Spirit – He comes to us by invitation only and makes spiritual birth and relationship with God possible through Jesus Christ. When the Holy Spirit is received, He brings life and growth to the soul, and leads, guides, teaches, protects, and strengthens as we follow Jesus, and don’t grieve Him disobedience.
  • The Word of God – The Bible is truth, and Satan cannot stand in the truth. The Bible is like light, and Satan is like a cockroach. Shine it, and he will run!  Know the Word of God, and Satan can’t manipulate your mind with his lies. Live the truth of the Word, and you are free.
  • The Body of Christ – People are God’s secret weapon against the Enemy, but not just any ole’ kind of people. People who are faithful to Jesus, who fear Him, who love Him, who are sold out and following hard after Him. You need to get around those kinds of people, surround yourself with them, let them hold you accountable to read the Word of God, to pray, and respond to the Holy Spirit in obedient living, and you will not only survive Satan’s attempts to destroy you, you will thrive in spite of them.

That’s our power play to victory – the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and His People. But if you decide to go it alone or think you’re above the fray or that your belief in God makes you bulletproof, then I can promise – Satan will have his “opportune time” with you. Choose God’s way, friend. It’s so much better than your way, which just makes you a sitting duck.