Three Ways to shift from “Church-Girl” to Disciple-of-Jesus

It’s important that you pick up what The Well is putting down or we’re going to wind up frustrating the tar out of you. Yes, we offer Bible studies and groups, but not just for you to attend. Our groups are a gateway to discipleship-oriented community focused on encouraging you to follow Jesus and live on mission as a citizen of the Kingdom of God – at home, church, work, school, The Well, and in the world around you.

Most of us are Church-Girls

Unfortunately, that kind of emphasis within a group can feel intense and radical for some women. A Barna Group poll conducted a few years back might reveal why that is. The poll indicated that 74% of Christian women considered themselves to be mature, even though only 13% identified as disciples or followers of Jesus. I submit to you, that whatever we’re using to measure our maturity needs to change!!! God help us if we’re using what we “feel” about God, or our church attendance, or how long we’ve been a Christian as the standard for maturity!

We need to transition…

Every woman in the church needs to transition from being a good “church-girl” to being an influential disciple-of-Jesus. Making that transition requires a few paradigm shifts:

1. Our idea of Bible study

We need to shift from the “attending” mode to “training for ministry” mode. We’ve got to STOP going to our Christian groups merely to feel good about ourselves as Christian women, or just for the fellowship, or to acquire more spiritual knowledge that we’re not going to do anything with. Instead, we need to go to our groups to learn how to take ownership of the Christian disciplines. We need to go and be accountable to others for how we’re living out our faith. We need to go to help us figure out our spiritual gift, learn how to think biblically, articulate our faith, talk about the Gospel, and establish others as disciples. And, of course, we need to go, in order to keep growing in our relationship with God and understanding of His Kingdom.

2. Our idea of Church

We need to shift from seeing church mostly as a “worship service” or congregation, and start seeing it also as a “mission field.” If we go to church each week to sing songs, listen to a message, hobnob with a few friends, and volunteer from time to time, then we’re missing the “fields that are ripe for harvest” (John 4:34-35). The spiritually hungry and God-seekers are coming through the doors of our churches every week. We need to start “seeing” people, sitting by people we don’t know, initiating conversation with new women, and inviting women to join us in the things that are making a difference in our own spiritual growth. Note-taking is not God’s idea of church. Peopling is God’s idea. Worshipping and growing in community is God’s idea. Finding the lost sheep amongst us is God’s idea.

3. Our idea of a Christian

We need to shift from the “sheep” mentality to the “priesthood of believers” mentality because THAT IS WHAT WE ARE. We’ve been called to be followers and disciples of Jesus Christ, who believe. We’re not called to be believers who may or may not follow. We’ve been called and equipped by the Holy Spirit to disciple the Body of Christ and go make disciples in the world around us. We are not called to be sheep who do little more than support our pastor/shepherd with our presence, finances, and some volunteering. We’re called to be ambassadors and witnesses and disciples who seek first God’s Kingdom, and as a result, we help change the world.

It is what it is.

So, this is the kind of stuff you’re going to hear a lot about at The Well, which excites some and frustrates others. Regardless, we just want to do our part to encourage more and more women to be faithful disciples, not just good church-girls.