
Don’t Shrink Back!

"If you take an honest survey of the New Testament, you see that the Kingdom of God did not advance under convenient, comfortable, controlled environments or accommodating circumstances. Quite the opposite! It grew and thrived under immense persecution, great...

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Greatness Comes through Surrender

“God doesn’t do great things through great people; He does great things through surrendered people.” That mic-drop statement was said by Susanna Kozlow at a Well Pop Up. Wow! What a paradigm shift! So, our abilities, talents, resources, and status don’t make us great. Those are only transactional and temporal.

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Are You Stuck or F.A.T.?

If you’ve been around The Well for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the acronym “F.A.T.” used, which stands for faithful, available and teachable. These are at the heart of true discipleship and when we lack of one of these qualities we end up stuck in our faith, regardless of any desire to move forward. So, what does a F.A.T woman look like?

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The Culture is Discipling

The culture is disciplining more and more Christians. ITS making disciples of us as we continue to reflect the values and practices of the world because the majority of Christians are making excuses, not disciples. If we’re in Christ, then God expects us to follow Jesus’ example and be disciples who can contribute to making disciples.

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Obedience Trumps Feelings Every Time

There is no escaping that the call to love is always a call to people – even.the.difficult.ones, but how do you love people who annoy you? How do we obey Jesus’ command to love others as we love ourselves if we really don’t like them to begin with? We PRAY!

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Will I be rejected?

Will I be rejected? I’m convinced this question goes through the minds of most women on a regular basis. We fear rejection from parents, spouses, friends, bosses and even our church families. Unfortunately, this fear can stop potential spiritual leaders from ever trying and potential relationships from ever forming.

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Is There More to Christianity Than This?

The Well Training Ministry believes that there are women out there who are asking the question, “Is this really all there is to the Christian life? Did Jesus really die, so that I could go to church, take copious sermon notes, sing four songs to Jesus, volunteer once in a while in the kids’ department, then afterward go to Bob Evan’s for lunch?”

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Jump in or Play it Safe?

The Well creates training environments where women can learn to be disciples who can contribute to making disciples, owning their part in advancing the Kingdom. This is perceivable almost immediately when you come through the doors at one of our events. Women all around choose to be intentional. They mill about choosing to be noticers, welcoming and greeting one another because individuals matter. 

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Is Your Life Different?

Does your life look different enough from the culture of this world that the Gospel is the only way to explain it? We live and operate in a world where two kingdoms are present – the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light and each has its own culture. The culture of this world is driven by the kingdom of darkness, is ruled by the devil, and is what our flesh is naturally drawn to.

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Consumer Christian Culture

Consumerism has become so steeped in our Christian culture that we’ve now begun viewing our relationships through this unhealthy lens. We want what we want, and we want it now. Our unmet expectations cause us to become frustrated, bitter, and resentful with the people in our world. Our discipleship no longer has a framework for the difficulties which come as a result of our relationships taking place in a flawed world with flawed people, of which we are one.

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Giving Way to Unbelief

The Bible teaches us that it is impossible to please God without faith. On the surface this sounds pretty straight forward, until we need to make a decision which tests our faith. Many times we struggle with the question, “What if I make the wrong choice?” If we stay in that struggle too long, eventually our cautiousness will give way to unbelief.

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It’s Not About the Building

Since The Well decentralized, many of us, like the Israelites leaving Egypt, have longed for the way things “used to be.” We miss the convenience of being on the same campus seeing all the women on “our Well day.” We miss seeing fresh faces walking through the doors each week and hearing the devotions that blew our minds.

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