
Is There Proof of Life in Your Life?

Is their proof of Christ in your life? In other words, if you said yes to Jesus ruling and reigning in your life, does your everyday life reflect that? When Jesus first began his ministry, he always seemed to have to combat a religious group called the Pharisees. This...

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Greatness Comes through Surrender

“God doesn’t do great things through great people; He does great things through surrendered people.” That mic-drop statement was said by Susanna Kozlow at a Well Pop Up. Wow! What a paradigm shift! So, our abilities, talents, resources, and status don’t make us great. Those are only transactional and temporal.

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Are You Stuck or F.A.T.?

If you’ve been around The Well for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the acronym “F.A.T.” used, which stands for faithful, available and teachable. These are at the heart of true discipleship and when we lack of one of these qualities we end up stuck in our faith, regardless of any desire to move forward. So, what does a F.A.T woman look like?

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Anything but BORING!

If you’re BORED with your Christian life, then I can promise you – you aren’t living the version of Christianity found on the pages of the Bible. If you’re FRUITLESS in your Christian walk, then I can promise you – you aren’t following the historical Jesus who lived and died and resurrected from the dead.

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Consumer Christian Culture

Consumerism has become so steeped in our Christian culture that we’ve now begun viewing our relationships through this unhealthy lens. We want what we want, and we want it now. Our unmet expectations cause us to become frustrated, bitter, and resentful with the people in our world. Our discipleship no longer has a framework for the difficulties which come as a result of our relationships taking place in a flawed world with flawed people, of which we are one.

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Giving Way to Unbelief

The Bible teaches us that it is impossible to please God without faith. On the surface this sounds pretty straight forward, until we need to make a decision which tests our faith. Many times we struggle with the question, “What if I make the wrong choice?” If we stay in that struggle too long, eventually our cautiousness will give way to unbelief.

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No Ticket Required – Just Your Life

Unfortunately, it seems less of us within the Christian fold are actually repentant, meaning we left the Kingdom of darkness and have full on entered the Kingdom of Light. I’m not sure lots of folks making up our churches are engaged in the ongoing process of rejecting sin, walking away from sinful lifestyles and abandoning unbiblical thinking.

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