There are only two kingdoms. You realize that, right? There’s the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of Hell on earth. That kingdom is completely divorced from God and rejects His standards, no matter what it tells itself. Because there are only two kingdoms, there are...
How to Disciple During a Pandemic
Jesus left you here to make disciples. Pandemic or no pandemic, as followers of Christ, we are called to one mission. So, regardless of what the world throws our way, it must not interfere with our job (the Great Commission) to make disciples of all nations. But...
Our Flaws Aren’t Supposed to Stop Us
When I think about Jesus’ disciples, it always makes me smile. They are such a perfect picture of how everyone can be used by God and how everyone is called by God to do the mission He has set out for us to do. They were all outcasts, really. No one had prestige or...
Do You “Smell” Like Heaven or Hell?
Jesus isn’t saving you so that when you die your soul can go to heaven. Good gravy, help us Lord! Jesus is saving you NOW to be conformed to His image NOW, so you can reproduce the culture of Heaven on the earth NOW (that’s called sanctification in the Bible). You’re...
What Screams Louder: Christ’s Lordship or Your Social Media?
Do your opinions about current events scream louder than Christ’s Lordship over your opinions? If we truly recognize that Jesus is Lord, then it means He has the right to rule and reign over every area of our lives, including what we post on social media. While the...
Is Your Life Different?
Does your life look different enough from the culture of this world that the Gospel is the only way to explain it? We live and operate in a world where two kingdoms are present – the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light and each has its own culture. The culture of this world is driven by the kingdom of darkness, is ruled by the devil, and is what our flesh is naturally drawn to.