
Are You Any Earthly Good?

Are You Any Earthly Good?

There’s an old Johnny Cash song that goes like this, “If you're holding heaven, then spread it around. There's hungry hands reaching up here from the ground. Move over and share the high ground where you stood. So heavenly minded, you're no earthly good.” The song...

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Experiencing Kingdom Abundance

God’s mission never lacks His resource. In a season when so many people are living amid much uncertainty, this timeless truth is an anchor for the disciple of Christ. In fact, God’s abundance is MOST OFTEN evident in times of uncertainty. One just needs to read...

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Don’t Shrink Back!

"If you take an honest survey of the New Testament, you see that the Kingdom of God did not advance under convenient, comfortable, controlled environments or accommodating circumstances. Quite the opposite! It grew and thrived under immense persecution, great...

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The Culture is Discipling

The culture is disciplining more and more Christians. ITS making disciples of us as we continue to reflect the values and practices of the world because the majority of Christians are making excuses, not disciples. If we’re in Christ, then God expects us to follow Jesus’ example and be disciples who can contribute to making disciples.

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Obedience Trumps Feelings Every Time

There is no escaping that the call to love is always a call to people – even.the.difficult.ones, but how do you love people who annoy you? How do we obey Jesus’ command to love others as we love ourselves if we really don’t like them to begin with? We PRAY!

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Anything but BORING!

If you’re BORED with your Christian life, then I can promise you – you aren’t living the version of Christianity found on the pages of the Bible. If you’re FRUITLESS in your Christian walk, then I can promise you – you aren’t following the historical Jesus who lived and died and resurrected from the dead.

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Is There More to Christianity Than This?

The Well Training Ministry believes that there are women out there who are asking the question, “Is this really all there is to the Christian life? Did Jesus really die, so that I could go to church, take copious sermon notes, sing four songs to Jesus, volunteer once in a while in the kids’ department, then afterward go to Bob Evan’s for lunch?”

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Is Your Life Different?

Does your life look different enough from the culture of this world that the Gospel is the only way to explain it? We live and operate in a world where two kingdoms are present – the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light and each has its own culture. The culture of this world is driven by the kingdom of darkness, is ruled by the devil, and is what our flesh is naturally drawn to.

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Consumer Christian Culture

Consumerism has become so steeped in our Christian culture that we’ve now begun viewing our relationships through this unhealthy lens. We want what we want, and we want it now. Our unmet expectations cause us to become frustrated, bitter, and resentful with the people in our world. Our discipleship no longer has a framework for the difficulties which come as a result of our relationships taking place in a flawed world with flawed people, of which we are one.

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No Ticket Required – Just Your Life

Unfortunately, it seems less of us within the Christian fold are actually repentant, meaning we left the Kingdom of darkness and have full on entered the Kingdom of Light. I’m not sure lots of folks making up our churches are engaged in the ongoing process of rejecting sin, walking away from sinful lifestyles and abandoning unbiblical thinking.

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