
How to Disciple During a Pandemic

How to Disciple During a Pandemic

Jesus left you here to make disciples. Pandemic or no pandemic, as followers of Christ, we are called to one mission.  So, regardless of what the world throws our way, it must not interfere with our job (the Great Commission) to make disciples of all nations. But...

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Your Attendance ISN’T Impressive

Women sense that The Well is different. Not perfect, but different. Some think it’s because we’re serial huggers, as few manage to escape one of our meetings without getting one or two or ten of those. Some think our mojo lies with the content of our studies, trainings and conferences. Others believe it’s the diversity of denomination, age, race and ethnicity – which really is pretty stinking amazing.

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Consumer Christian Culture

Consumerism has become so steeped in our Christian culture that we’ve now begun viewing our relationships through this unhealthy lens. We want what we want, and we want it now. Our unmet expectations cause us to become frustrated, bitter, and resentful with the people in our world. Our discipleship no longer has a framework for the difficulties which come as a result of our relationships taking place in a flawed world with flawed people, of which we are one.

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Giving Way to Unbelief

The Bible teaches us that it is impossible to please God without faith. On the surface this sounds pretty straight forward, until we need to make a decision which tests our faith. Many times we struggle with the question, “What if I make the wrong choice?” If we stay in that struggle too long, eventually our cautiousness will give way to unbelief.

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It’s Not About the Building

Since The Well decentralized, many of us, like the Israelites leaving Egypt, have longed for the way things “used to be.” We miss the convenience of being on the same campus seeing all the women on “our Well day.” We miss seeing fresh faces walking through the doors each week and hearing the devotions that blew our minds.

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You’ve Got to Embrace the Whole Gospel

The Well trains women to embrace the whole Gospel – allowing it preeminence in their lives, allowing it to impact their relationships, their church, and their world through them. We do this because when a woman operates from only a part of the Gospel, then salvation becomes solely a doctrinal acknowledgement and an accepted gift, but the Gospel she believes doesn’t necessarily impact her world.

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