
2020 was a GREAT year, right?

2020 was a GREAT year, right?

2020 was a GREAT year, right? If we understand our salvation through the lens of conformity to Christ, then 2020 should have been a seriously GREAT year for us Christians. 2020 provided lots of opportunities to SEE the ugly in ourselves and lots of opportunities to...

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The One Thing You Can Never Leave

The One Thing You Can Never Leave

It’s a tough time to do ministry. I’m not whining about it. It just is what it is. For a long time, the uphill battle was trying to convince the “decided to be disciples.” If you encouraged women to read their Bibles, they left the group. If you asked women to pray...

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Do You “Smell” Like Heaven or Hell?

Do You “Smell” Like Heaven or Hell?

Jesus isn’t saving you so that when you die your soul can go to heaven. Good gravy, help us Lord! Jesus is saving you NOW to be conformed to His image NOW, so you can reproduce the culture of Heaven on the earth NOW (that’s called sanctification in the Bible). You’re...

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